Tag Archives: The Teacup Trail

Ambries, Audrey, and Acid Babies: More January Fiction

One-twelfth of 2015 is almost over, and it’s quite a year already. I’m currently in the throes of a Hitchcock-themed horror story that may be the coolest thing I’ve ever written–or might become the most beautiful hot mess this little writer has committed to the ether. Only time–and rewrites–will tell.

Audrey at NightBut in the meantime, I am excited to announce my latest publications. Add in the stories I included in my last post, and this has been a major month for me, the best of my fiction writing career so far.

So here we go for this round:

If you’re in the mood for a coming-of-age story that features creatures who go bump in the night, then check out “The Man in the Ambry” in the current issue of Typehouse Literary Magazine! (P.S. My story is also epistolary! Super retro, right?)

If you ever thought, “Wow! I really wish someone would do a modern-day update of Hemingway’s “Hills Like White Elephants,” only with monsters!”, then I can pretty much promise you will love my story, “Snowfall in the Morning”. It is part of the latest “flock” at Thirteen Myna Birds, which is available for a limited time only, so read, read, read!

If a surreal tale of lost-and-found love will assuage your Valentine’s Day longings, then head on over to The Teacup Trail for “Blue Dreams in Motel Rooms”!

If you have just a little time to spare, then spend it with “The Shape of a Heart” and “The Butcher Is In” at Microhorror, the purveyors of super pithy dark fiction!

If you have no time to spare but still want a quick, offbeat read, then head over to Brouhaha Magazine for my 200-word flash piece, “Acid Baby”!

Finally, if you’d like a cool ghost story (that is also my first-ever reprint), be sure to check out the ceremonious return of “Audrey at Night” in Issue #29 of Sanitarium Magazine!

But that’s not all in the fiction department. Several more publications are slated for the coming months, so watch for my stories at After the Pause, 99 Pine Street, the Breakroom Stories, and Saturday Night Reader.

As February descends upon us, I have some new things in the works, including an update to this site as well as a brand new feature in which I’ll be spotlighting my fellow writers and their latest endeavors. That means if you’re an author and you want some easy, free promotion, send me a message or comment on this post.

Thanks for visiting, and happy reading!