Horror Fiction for the Holidays: Submission Roundup for December 2022

Welcome back for the last Submission Roundup of 2022! Lots of great writing opportunities, so if you’ve got a story looking for a home, then you might find the perfect outlet below!

First, a disclaimer: I’m not a representative for any of these markets; please direct your questions to their respective editors.

And with that, onward with this month’s Submission Roundup!

Submission Roundup

Payment: Standard royalties
Length: 20,000 to 30,000 words for novellas; 50,000 to 90,000 words for novels and collections
Deadline: December 15th, 2022
What They Want: JournalStone is currently seeking a wide variety of horror novellas, collections, and novels.
Find the details here.

Cosmic Horror Monthly
Payment: .06/word
Length: 1,000 to 6,000 words (3,000 to 5,000 words preferred)
Deadline: Open January 1st to January 7th, 2023
What They Want: Cosmic Horror Monthly is seeking fiction that features cosmic horror, Lovecraftian, and weird stories.
Find the details here.

The Crawling Moon: Queer Tales of Inescapable Dread
Payment: .08/word
Length: up to 6,000 words (1,000 to 4,000 words is ideal)
Deadline: January 15th, 2023
What They Want: Neon Hemlock is seeking queer horror stories that feature gothic horror and depravity.
Find the details here.

Dracula Beyond Stoker
Payment: .05/word
Length: 1,500 to 5,000 words
Deadline: January 15th, 2023
What They Want: This new journal is seeking fiction that reimagines and expands upon the world of Dracula. For the upcoming issue, the theme is Renfield.
Find the details here.

Literally Dead: Tales of Holiday Hauntings
Payment: .06/word
Length: 2,000 to 4,000 words
Deadline: January 20th, 2023
What They Want: Editor Gaby Triana is seeking ghost stories set around the winter holidays.
Find the details here.

FlowerSong Press
Payment: Not specified
Length: 75,000 to 150,000 words
Deadline: April 15th, 2023
What They Want: FlowerSong Press is seeking historical, fantasy, horror, and science fiction novels from Latinx authors.
Find the details here.

Happy submitting!